What are social stories, why use them, and where to find them

Welcome, this is Ginger Pillitteri from spedadvisors.com

Today we are looking at Social Stories.  We are going to look at “What are social stories, why use them, and where to find them.”

After this blog, I will be posting a social story I created about “My visit to the dentist.”  So be sure to check it out.  It is a short animation providing the individual the steps about what a visit to the dentist looks like every step of the way.  

So, the first thing we are going to do is define “What is a social story.”

A social story is a video, a book, a short passage explaining a social event or topic.  

What is a social story?

  • ~Social stories~ can be a video,  a book, or a short passage with animations or pictures to explain a social event or topic
  • They do not provide an opinion, but state facts
  • Social stories share safe and accurate information to the audience
  • Can be used with any age group

Why use a social story?

  • Social stories teach specific social cues
  • May help decrease inappropriate behaviors
  • Helps to bring attention to new experiences
  • May help reduce fears about a given activity or social situation that they are unfamiliar with
  • May also help teach routines
  • Helps to break down steps into an easier and simpler way 
  • Helps the individual to generalize the taught skills in the social story

Examples of social stories:

  • Going to the dentist
  • What to do if your angry
  • Getting a hair cut
  • Sharing
  • Being a friend
  • And so much more….


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