How to Help your Child Focus on Homework- part 2

Strategy: Using a Timer

  • WHY use a timer:
    • Using a timer can alleviate stress and anxiety
    • Using a timer can reduce unpredictability of how long they must work (shows how much longer)
    • Can help your child tolerate doing homework
    • Using a timer can reduce tantrums and behaviors
    • Increase time on task
  • How to use a Timer:
    • Set the timer for the allotted time you want your child to work
    • E.g. set timer for 10 minutes – then give a break for 2-5 minutes
    • These times can vary depending on your child’s needs or abilities
    • During the break, set the timer so they can see how much time is left of their break
    • Can use a phone timer, an egg timer, a visual timer
    • Make sure your child sees the timer and can even participate in setting it and/or turning it off

Strategy:  Laying Prone on the Floor

  • Prone = lying flat on one’s stomach on a firm floor and propped up on the elbows
  • This position during work time activates the brain stem and regulates the sensory system
  • Provides strength and stability for fine motor development
  • Also puts the child’s arm and wrist in the right position 

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